Sunday, February 7, 2016

First day of BJJ

Daem it's been a long time.

Alright so I found a BJJ club close to my new place which is pretty awesome. I was rolling with the instructor (purple belt dude) and he got me into a nice choke the first time around. His gi or my gi was covering my eyes, so I couldn't see anything, and there was an intense pressure on my neck. It was an interesting moment. Like a "wow, this is what being strangled would feel like - everything goes black and just.... stops". I tapped and he let go, but it was definitely an interesting moment.

Soo I decided to make a little comic about it. I tried to draw actual characters, but as my drawing skills are not quite up to that level (see: awful), I decided to just do basic models to show the idea. I'm going to try and upload some drawings more regularly now that the move is complete and everything has settled down around here (huzzah).

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pencil Kings Sketching Contest - Day 21

Ehh this one turned out so/so. I screwed up little bits of the eyes/nose/lips. I might try to fix it up tomorrow or the day after just to give it some final polish.

Last picture, though, for the sketching challenge. I think the next one is the character sketch up... or something like that. Look for more updates in the near future.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Pencil Kings Sketching Contest - Day 20

"Call to John meow"

Soooo unfortunately due to my trip to Beijing sorta' cutting into my submission/drawings, I ain't gonna' win jack-shit at Pencil Kings. I'm still gonna' finish the 21 sketches, though.

I spent a bit more time trying to work in some pores, but I'm trying to figure out how to add face lines without it looking as obvious as it does. To the youtubes!

Thinking about doing a daily/weekly draw session where I screen-capture my shit so people can watch. Maybe add some musics. Just an idea I'm kicking around.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Pencil Kings Sketching Contest - Day 19

Robert Patrick ala T1000.

I'm heading to Bay-Jiiiing this week and didn't have as much time as I would have liked to work on this. So far I just have the outline and practiced doing the Riley Rhythms (I think that's what they're called). Gonna' finish this when I get back.

"Call to John meow"

Pencil Kings Sketching Contest - Day 17

First cat... ever? I was playing around with a fur brush for this one. I think it's good at making a plush effect, but I need to find another one for shading.

Anyways. Meet Pawnd. James Pawnd.
Courtesy of r/cats