Sunday, February 7, 2016

First day of BJJ

Daem it's been a long time.

Alright so I found a BJJ club close to my new place which is pretty awesome. I was rolling with the instructor (purple belt dude) and he got me into a nice choke the first time around. His gi or my gi was covering my eyes, so I couldn't see anything, and there was an intense pressure on my neck. It was an interesting moment. Like a "wow, this is what being strangled would feel like - everything goes black and just.... stops". I tapped and he let go, but it was definitely an interesting moment.

Soo I decided to make a little comic about it. I tried to draw actual characters, but as my drawing skills are not quite up to that level (see: awful), I decided to just do basic models to show the idea. I'm going to try and upload some drawings more regularly now that the move is complete and everything has settled down around here (huzzah).