Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 2or3 "Sexy" Lady (cough cough cough) Tom

Ughhhh faces Ughhhh.

Semi happy with how the rest of it turned out. Still so many things to work on. Mostly my problem lately has been time management - gotta' try harder to make room for an hour or two every night. Bahhhh. Gonna' (try) to shade the lady and finish some detail work before I move on to Arnie. I think this represents around 3-4 hours of work total.
Goddamn shading. y u so difficult

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spencer- Week 2

Good thing I have no life, so I was able to start/finish this right away.
Colours are a bit off and the colouring goes outside the lines- but whatever (YOU try using a program that only allows you to create three layers)

Note from Tom:
Spencer, on behalf of aspiring artists everywhere - you go to hell! You go to hell an yew die!
More srs though, great job dude. Jesus chriiiiiist. Demoralize me with your talent some more, fuxer.

Week 2 - Displeased Arnie (Terminator 2)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thomas / Spencer 1-2 hours

I got about halfway through listening to Sweeney Todd while drawing mine before my concentration tapped out.

Spencer's goin hurrrrd (I'm submitting his because I suspect he's too shy/lazy to).

Spencer - talented fucker.

Thomas - stick figures ain't got shit on me <_<. Wat r perspective? wat r shades? her her herrrr hahaha.

Just did a quick shading. Picture represents my general lack of effort hahahah. I'm hoping next week is a little less busy so I have more time to dedicate to drawing (I spent like uh....3-4 hours total this week, mebbe).


I can't do faces at all. Bleargh. Next time I want to spend more time on the background before I get to the main thing.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Week 1 - Happy Fun Friends Time Drawing Challenge, Wolverine circa bone claws (Days of Future Past) getting House of the Dead'd.

Next picture comes on Sunday the 22nd courtesy of Jordan P or Jordan B. I was going to pick an old cartoon as a reference but.... yeeeaaaah a little too easy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pencil Kings Shading Challenge - Airplane hoooooo

Ehh still not great, but getting a little better. I'm going to be working on a face tomorrow and the day after.