Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 3 (interchangeable with Week 2)

Aww yeeee


  1. so, is this going to be the image for week 3 or will a new one being posted tonight/tomorrow?

    1. Yeah - Jordan P sent da laaaaydy picture to the wrong email account (FOOOOOOOOOL) so I picked the Arnie one for him.

      So Week 2/3 are interchangeable.

      On an unrelated note I might start doing the submissions every two weeks-ish - my time management sucks.

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I promise I will do both, guys. I just.. need to get in the best shape of my life...

      Our leader has forsaken his own endeavor.

      'What? Expand my horizons and be creative?'

      'Pffffft. I ain't .. *urinates in his stadium pal*.. gettin up for shit! Not no artsy fartsy bullshit. Hell, I got LoL right here. What else do I need ? Kitty, bring me noms.'
