Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 2or3 "Sexy" Lady (cough cough cough) Tom

Ughhhh faces Ughhhh.

Semi happy with how the rest of it turned out. Still so many things to work on. Mostly my problem lately has been time management - gotta' try harder to make room for an hour or two every night. Bahhhh. Gonna' (try) to shade the lady and finish some detail work before I move on to Arnie. I think this represents around 3-4 hours of work total.
Goddamn shading. y u so difficult


  1. Oh, HEY. You DID do some. You're a better man than I, Tom. Or you paid some black-market artist in China to do it fo cheap.

    1. <_<


      Uhhhh I don't know what you mean. Heh heh heh.... heh.... heheheh.... I would *never* do something so underhanded just to make my friends look unskilled and incompetent by comparison heheheh what a silly idea!

