Thursday, April 30, 2015

Pencil Kings Week 2 Shading Challenge (crazy medusa brain hair man/lady)

Alright so I've been touching up this image with some helpful feedback from the Pencil Kings community. Next drawing I'm doing is a skull, and I'm going to be doing a new thing. Shading it once, then shading it again from scratch, and then comparing the two pictures and doing a third from scratch, followed by a fourth one from scratch upside down

Shit's about to get cray-cray folks.

Original attempt

Touchup #2

Monday, April 27, 2015

Pencil Kings - Shading Challenge (Week 2)

My Wacom Cintiq arrived today. Wooooooo.

It has actually made shading significantly funner.

Yeaaah I've got a lot of work to do, but.... ehhhh. I think it looks okay. They have a bunch of statue faces to practice this shading stuff so I've got enough to keep me busy for the next couple of weeks (pretty much spent the whole evening on this watching that stupid goddamn Enterprise show. It's so terrible, but perfect as a tv show you can easily ignore while completely following).

Monday, April 13, 2015

Milla Jovovovovovich - Fifth Element

I love Milla Jovovich, and it's mainly because I saw (and loved) The Fifth Element as a youngin'. Nowadays, I watch all her stupid zombie movie sequels with blatantly ripped off scenes from other movies and don't even care because she's in it. I'll watch anything with her in it just because of my childhood heart-on.

I decided I'm only going to spend a few hours max on each drawing. I don't wanna' go into obsessive detail until I practice fundamentals (see; basic human anatomy and figure construction + proper shading, etc etc) some more. Plus, I'm noticing I get bored of working on drawings pretty quickly.

Schedule for me will be; Do a drawing, look at drawing and try to figure out exactly what I'm terrible at, look up youtube and other drawing tutorials, attempt to apply improvements, do another drawing and figure out what else I'm bad at. For this drawing the focus will be on (laaaady) face, hand, and hair I think.

Monday, April 6, 2015

#4 Adam (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

I've been re-watching the series and it is not aging well. I have no other comments at this time.

Adam seems like he'll be fun to draw, though. Don't you love the pectoral floppy drive? His O/S requires 20,000 disks. Reformatting is a paaaain.


After that modelling picture I realized I needed to stop drawing everything on a landscape (aka sideways) mural. Also, I decided to slow down a bit and just focus on getting the basic skull/body anatomy down first before I started everything else.

I am still not 100% how do draw a skull. I sort of have the basic idea, but.... yeah. Cropped the picture to make it more zoomed.

Fiddled with the skull to make it more skully.

Drew over the outline I made and added some details. Face is a little derpy. I was actually surprised how much the finished face resembles the skull (see; super noobpiphany) aside from the Bruce Campbell-esque jaw on steroids.

Adam clearly works the shit out of his traps. Dayummm. Dragon Ball Z physique.

Added more details and cleaned up a few things. Gonna' start coloring soon. No idea how to do the weird wrinkly texture of the skin so I just drew a bunch of maccarone lines for the green pec part. The wrinkles for the Harvey Dent part of the face turned out well-ish, I think.

I have a bad habit of drawing stuff too small, so I've been using photoshop to blow up the size of a few things (the mouth I redid, and I'm gonna' do the drive tomorrow). It really is an amazing program.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Angry arnold face

+ 40 minutes (watched an episode of Buffy while shading and making small adjustments).
I never realized how much real estate the shnozz takes up on a face. Redid the mouth, but I really need to learn the planes of the face - think that would be suuuuuper helpful.

+35 minutes

~40ish minutes