Monday, April 6, 2015

#4 Adam (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

I've been re-watching the series and it is not aging well. I have no other comments at this time.

Adam seems like he'll be fun to draw, though. Don't you love the pectoral floppy drive? His O/S requires 20,000 disks. Reformatting is a paaaain.


After that modelling picture I realized I needed to stop drawing everything on a landscape (aka sideways) mural. Also, I decided to slow down a bit and just focus on getting the basic skull/body anatomy down first before I started everything else.

I am still not 100% how do draw a skull. I sort of have the basic idea, but.... yeah. Cropped the picture to make it more zoomed.

Fiddled with the skull to make it more skully.

Drew over the outline I made and added some details. Face is a little derpy. I was actually surprised how much the finished face resembles the skull (see; super noobpiphany) aside from the Bruce Campbell-esque jaw on steroids.

Adam clearly works the shit out of his traps. Dayummm. Dragon Ball Z physique.

Added more details and cleaned up a few things. Gonna' start coloring soon. No idea how to do the weird wrinkly texture of the skin so I just drew a bunch of maccarone lines for the green pec part. The wrinkles for the Harvey Dent part of the face turned out well-ish, I think.

I have a bad habit of drawing stuff too small, so I've been using photoshop to blow up the size of a few things (the mouth I redid, and I'm gonna' do the drive tomorrow). It really is an amazing program.

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